Wednesday, December 30, 2009
2 year anniversary
I am so blessed that I was able to marry my best friend. I love you Luke!
Luke's brother and sister-in-law left for New Zealand Dec 21 so we celebrated the holiday with his family a little early. It was nice to get together with them.
We were able to spend a lot of time with each family this year, which was really nice. I had a very good time. Luke spoiled me for Christmas! I feel that he made me look bad ha ha. We got a Wii (it has been a ton of fun to play), he gave me a diamond bracelet, among lots of other things. It was a nice Christmas.
I hope everyone else had a great Christmas too!
Disneyland and Thanksgiving
On the Friday after Thanksgiving we drove down to St. George and saw Blindside at the theater there (it is a must see), went to the Pizza Factory for lunch, visited some of Luke's cousins on his mom's side, and then met up with my family to go to Tuachan to see the Nativity. While we were there we stayed at Luke's aunt's house, which was really nice of her.
Saturday we started our long caravan (Luke, Tristan and myself in one car and then my parents and Jantzsen in another) to Sunny California. We looked at buying plane tickets, but it ended up being a lot cheaper to drive, so we chose the frugal route. When we got to CA Saturday afternoon we went to Laguna Beach. I can't even explain how much I loved it there. I love the beach, and I love the sand, and I love the water. It was relaxing to just hang out at the beach, and we got a lot of good pictures (which I will post later). Did I say that I LOVE the beach?? ;)
My cousin lives in Southern CA so we met up with him on Sunday and went sightseeing in LA. It was pretty cool, but not as great as I thought it was going to be. Now that I have seen LA once I don't think I need to go back. There were way too many people for my taste. It's a good thing we met up with my cousin because he was able to show us around the town. He also showed us the LA temple which is beautiful.
Monday and Tuesday we went to California Adventures and Disneyland. They were a lot of fun and I am really glad we went, but I can wait another 15 years before I go again. I was surprised how many people there had young kids in strollers. I would never want to have a stroller at Disneyland with that many people around. It just seems to inconvenient.
Well, we took our pictures with Mickey, Mr. Incredible and a few other characters and we rode all of the rides. Unfortunately, we had to wait in quite a few lines. Last time my family went to Disneyland we didn't wait any lines, so I was expecting that because we went at the exact same time of year last time. Oh well, we had fun
On Wednesday we went to Knott's Berry Farm, which was awesome. The rides are geared more for adults, and there were no lines at all. We were able to get on rides as soon as we walked up to them. It was awesome! I think that was Luke's favorite part about the trip.
On Thursday we left CA for Las Vegas where we stayed at the Stratosphere. The room was nice and cheap, but if you want to walk the strip I would recommend getting a hotel that is centrally on the Strip. We walked the length of the Strip from the Stratosphere and we figured we had walked 8 miles. I was tired be the time we got back to the hotel room. While we were there I even played a couple slots (for the first time) I only gambled $1, but I lost that dollar. Gambling sucks ;) We only spent one night in Vegas so I think it would be fun to go back and spend a couple days and maybe go to a show. We'll see.
On Friday we drove all the way back to Salt Lake City. It only took us 6 hours, but it took my parents 8 because they took a little detour and then ran out of gas ha ha. Thankfully, they got back home just fine.
Overall our vacation was a lot of fun, and I can't wait to go on another one!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
There are also pictures of us playing chubby bunny and trying to eat donuts off a string, but it was taking too long to upload so I will try again later.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Conference and Park City
This past weekend we went to spend time with my family in Park City. My family has a timeshare there so we go every year. I love going to Park City, and I love spending time with my family. We took family pictures, which was a lot of fun (I'll post as soon as my mom sends them to me), we went shopping, we went to dinner, and we just hung out and relaxed. The only bad part of the weekend is I got sick, and I am still sick (that is why I am updating my blog). Its not fun. I am proud of myself though, I have been saving money to go shopping, and I only spent $25. That is a record for me when I am in Park City. Overall it was an awesome weekend and I can't wait to go back next year.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Top of Utah Marathon
Megan, my sister-in-law, and I hung up encouraging posters along the course (we did this at 5:30 AM) and then we had to hurry home, shower and get to mile marker 15 to watch them run by. We then went to the finish line to barely catch Luke. Luke's parents, his other brother and soon to be
I am really jealous of Luke and his brother that they were able to run the marathon. I want to be able to run a marathon one day. I think I will start small though and train for a 5k and then work my way up to a 1/2 marathon, and then possibly try a full marathon. I think that would be a good accomplishment.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Summer 2009 (so far)
(I took a lot more pictures, but it will take all day to upload so I will figure out how to do a slideshow).
This summer we went camping a few times with friends and family. We hiked the wind caves, which is an awesome hike to go on. We went to a sealing for our brother in law and sister in law and their 2 little girls. That was such a neat experience. My other brother in law got married and for their honeymoon they came up to Logan, so we got to spend time with them. We floated the canal, which froze my behind. We went boating at Flaming Gorge (I didn't get any pictures). We went to the George Strait concert. We've gone 4-wheeling several times. We sold one of our cars, and bought a dirtbike, but still don't have a truck to drive it around in. We went to Cove Fort Days, which was suprisingly fun. Oh... and we are the proud owners of our own home. We bought a townhome and we love it! It's nice to know that we are building equity instead of throwing our money away at rent. So far we have had a good summer, but there is still a month left!!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
I have been snowboarding for a little over 12 years now and last week I decided to try skiing (I did ski before I started snowboarding). I must admit that I did a pretty good job. I am so use to riding a snowboard that switching to skis was a little of an adjustment, but I got the hang of it and was even doing turns on my first run. I did stick to the bunny hill all day which was kind of a bummer because it was an amazing powder day and Luke bragged about the knee deep snow in some areas. I wished I was out there with him, but it was nice to hang out with my dad while he taught me to ski (he is a ski instructor). I had such a good time that I think next season I will try skiing some more however, I will not give up on snowboarding.
I also have some great news!!!! I got promoted at work with a big pay increase. I will now be an employment counselor for the youth at DWS. This is such a good opportunity for me to learn and to advance, but I will miss the team and supervisor that I worked with. My supervisor was absolutely amazing and I will miss having him as a supervisor, but I am excited for this new position.
Getting this promotion will make it so much easier for Luke and I to get into a house this summer which is really exciting. We are planning on buying in June and we are so excited to get out of Aggie Village. We are most likely going to be buying in Logan or somewhere close because Luke has decided to go back to school this fall. I am excited for him because he has taken time off to get me through school so I am happy that I can work to get him through school. I have promised Luke that when he graduated we will go to New Zealand for his graduation present, so hopefully he graduates soon ;)
Sorry this is a pretty random post, but it will have to do.
Monday, February 23, 2009
I Love Weekends!
This is the Yurt we stayed in.
The inside of the YurtOur Candlelit dinner
This most recent weekend Luke and I decided it was time to go home to Salt Lake to spend time with our families. I love Salt Lake and miss it when we are away too long, so we usually go there quite a bit. The weather was great this weekend so we went 4-wheeling with my parents at Grantsville Reservoir.

My brother, Jantzsen and my Dad fishing

My brother, Breylen and his wife, Quichee

My parents on their "toys"

My sister, Tristan with her roommate, Emily, and friend, Aldrin
That night Luke and I went to a Grizzlies hockey game with a couple of his brothers and his brother's fiance. We had pretty good seats and we won which made the game a lot of fun. There weren't very many fights which was a little disappointing but it was still a good game. As much as we love being in Salt Lake with our friends and family we had to come back, so we drove home Sunday night to get ready for the work week :(
I can't wait until next weekend!
Monday, February 9, 2009
One Year Older
Friday, February 6, 2009
House Shopping
Right now is the perfect time to buy so I hope can we can get into something soon, but we will see. There is a $7,500 tax credit that is available for first time home buyers that we could take advantage of or there is talk of a $15,000 tax credit that would be available to home buyers if the bill passes. We would rather have the $15,000 credit to use towards a home so we will see what happens within the next couple months.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you. Or I just want to torture you.25 things about me, In no particular order:
25. I love to travel. I have a whole list of places I want to go and I will get to all of them eventually.
24. I love my job right now, but I would really like to be a financial counselor one day.
23. I am a very stubborn person, and I like to have things done my way.
22. I'm waiting to see if I got a job offer in Italy, if my current job becomes permanent, or if I am going to move to Salt Lake. It's a stressful situation!
21. I collect movies! I have so money that there are still a lot that I haven't even opened.
20. In high school Luke was one of my best friends, and I never would have imagined then that we would be married now. I am so happy that we are!
19. One day I will get my doctorate degree.
18. I am a very sarcastic person and have probably offended people because of it. (If I have offended you because of my sarcasm I am sorry.)
17. I love moving, well I hate the actual act of moving, but I love the change from moving. I have moved 22 times in my life and I can't wait for the next one.
16. I have been snowboarding for 11 years now, and you would think that I would be really good, but I'm not. I can hold my own, but the park kills me.
15. I have a degree in Family Consumer Human Development with an emphasis in Finance and a minor in Sociology.
14. I love talking about money and how to budget/save/spend it. I track where ALL of my money goes and I love trying to find new ways to save more money. I'm a little obbsessive.
13. I don't like to cook so Luke does it most of the time. He is so amazing!
12. I hate doing the dishes with a passion!!! The next place we live has to have a dishwasher.
11. I hate when it snows or rains and the bottom of my pants get wet, it's one of the worst feelings. When it rains or snows I have to wear boots and tuck my pants into them.
10. I love popcorn from an airpop popper. It's the best!
9. I am scuba certified, and have only gone scuba diving at Catalina Island, but I have several other places that I am planning on going.
8. I can't live without my planner!
7. I love making to do lists! I have a to do list for everything and I love being able to cross things off the lists.
6. I still have printed out my wedding pictures, and I got married over a year ago.
5. I love going to the Aggie Hockey games, they are so much fun and I love seeing us win!
4. I really love to scrapboook, but haven't done it for over 6 years. I have a lot of pictures that I need to catch up on.
3. My favorite color is pink (I don't hide it very well).
2. One day I hope to be independently wealthy so I can travel the world.
1. It might not seem like it, but I use to be a cheerleader in high school and sometimes I really miss it.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
So far this year has started out great; I graduated in December so I didn't have to worry about going to school. I have a good job with the Department of Workforce Services with really awesome supervisors and manager (they won't read this so I'm not trying to brown nose). I got to go on a cruise for my graduation present, which was fantastic. I will have to post pictures from it as soon as I can. Well, thats all I feel like writing for today so I will post pictures in my next post