This past weekend Luke ran the Top of Utah Marathon again, and I am extremely proud of him. He ran it last year, but 3 days before the marathon he got really sick and was throwing up everything he ate, but he still ran it. He wasn't too happy with his time, but I was still happy for him. Well, this year he beat his previous time by about an hour and 45 min (he finished in 4 hours 2 min.) He was planning on finishing in less then 3, but if he would have finished any sooner I would not have seen him cross the finish
line, so I am happy he waited a couple minutes :). Luke's brother, Scott, ran it as well and beat his last year's time too.
Megan, my sister-in-law, and I hung up encouraging posters along the course (we did this at 5:30 AM) and then we had to hurry home, shower and get to mile marker 15 to watch them run by. We then went to the finish line to barely catch Luke. Luke's parents, his other brother and soon to be
sister in-law, and my mom came up to watch the event. I think that we all had a good time.

I am really jealous of Luke and his brother that they were able to run the marathon. I want to be able to run a marathon one day. I think I will start small though and train for a 5k and then work my way up to a 1/2 marathon, and then possibly try a full marathon. I think that would be a good accomplishment.
Megan, my sister-in-law, and I hung up encouraging posters along the course (we did this at 5:30 AM) and then we had to hurry home, shower and get to mile marker 15 to watch them run by. We then went to the finish line to barely catch Luke. Luke's parents, his other brother and soon to be
I am really jealous of Luke and his brother that they were able to run the marathon. I want to be able to run a marathon one day. I think I will start small though and train for a 5k and then work my way up to a 1/2 marathon, and then possibly try a full marathon. I think that would be a good accomplishment.